Sensor Support

Built-In Sensor Support

  • OWFS (Dallas Semi 1-Wire Sensors via OneWire FileSystem (OWFS))

Adding Hardware Support

Adding hardware support is relatively straightforward:

  1. Follow the instructions on installing for development (below).
  2. Add a new class under sensors/ that implements BaseSensor and any other methods you require. See the existing sensor classes as examples.
  3. Ensure full test coverage for the class.
  4. Add a new rpymostat.sensors entrypoint to that points to your new class.
  5. Open a pull request for your changes.

rpymostat-sensor uses Setuptools entrypoints setuptools entrypoints for dynamic discovery of sensor classes. While it’s preferred that new sensors be merged into this repository, it’s possible to implement them as standalone packages as long as they have the required entrypoints.